Reminder for Android with voice dialing. Remember Everything - the best voice-controlled reminder

As Android developers say, this OS is unlike anything else and is a completely new product.
On the one hand, this statement is true. But upon closer examination, it turns out that no - the system itself is remarkable, but in a strange way it has collected all the jambs of its predecessors. One of the problems can be considered familiar to users from Windows Mobile - the lack of display of contacts’ holidays in the calendar. There are also naturally no birthday reminders.
The problem, in fact, like WM, is solvable, but requires certain dances with a tambourine. So, how can you persuade your Android smartphone to remind you of the birthdays of your loved ones?

There are quite a few ways, and one of them is installing third-party software, but you can set a birthday reminder in your contacts using tools from Google.

So, as the owner of an Android smartphone, you probably have your own Google account and use contact synchronization. If you have not done either of these, then you should go to the settings of your phone, there you will find an item called “accounts and synchronization”. If you click on this line of the settings menu, a window will open in which you can create an account.

Following the intuitive instructions, you will eventually create an account, after activation of which you will be able to synchronize the contents of your device with your Google account.

The next step is to visit your Google account from a personal computer. When you enter your login and password in the appropriate boxes, a personalized page will open in front of you, on which you will see your contacts, and other things that have been synchronized.

Now you need to switch to a service called Google Calendar. Next, you need to go to the calendar settings, select “other calendars”, follow the link, select “view other calendars”, “additionally”, “contacts’ birthdays” and subscribe to this calendar by clicking the appropriate button.

After these steps, you need to synchronize the calendar from your smartphone and now you will have a reminder of your contacts’ birthdays.

If, after all the steps taken, the device’s calendar still refuses to show you the birthdays of your contacts, then you need to fully synchronize the device with your Google account and reset it to factory settings. After the reset, you will be greeted by a completely empty device, but just enter your account information and all personal information from your Google account will be restored.

As a rule, this method helps and the device begins to display contact holidays and notify about them.

Today we will talk about software that belongs to “reminders”. Previously, I only used ProDo, which I will talk about in one of the following posts. But recently, I began to use more and more another program - Remember Everything.

I switched to “Remember Everything” not because I lacked the capabilities of ProDo, but because the program is completely voice controlled. As I already said on one of my blogs, I’m tired of writing, so on some blogs I switch to podcasts, because it’s easier for me to “talk” information than to write it. At the same time, many people find it more convenient to listen than to read.

The “Remember Everything” program allows you to “speak” your tasks. At the same time, the system is quite accurately

determines what is dictated. If in other programs, it was possible to dictate using some software, for example, using voice printing, which is present in , then in “Remember Everything” the system determines not only the dictated action, but also calculates the time when this action should start.

For example, in any reminder, you can dictate “Finish work on the design,” and then set the date and time for the reminder. However, in the “Remember Everything” program, you can simply say: “Finish work on the design the day after tomorrow at four o’clock in the afternoon.” , and “Remember everything” will automatically set both the date and time the reminder is triggered. “Remember Everything” understands such time frames as - tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, morning, evening, in a week, in a couple of weeks, in a month, within a week, within a week, etc.

The program uses several voice control engines. However, I was unable to launch Nuance Dragon Mobile until version 4 of Android came out on my device. However, Google's engine does its job just as well.

“Remember Everything” allows you to manage reminders, mark them as completed, reschedule them to another day and time, view them, etc.

When the “Remember Everything” reminder is triggered, it says: “Master (hostess)...” and reads out the reminder, followed by a musical signal. Please note that the program will only read if your device is connected to the network. Otherwise, the program will only play the signal you selected. The word “Master” can be replaced, but it will cost you one dollar. By paying a dollar you can download a plugin for “Remember Everything”, which will allow you to set the name that the device will call you.

Also, if you want to sync your reminders with Google Calendar, you will have to purchase a plugin for two dollars. The program itself is free. By the way, I purchased a plugin for the calendar - it’s a useful thing.

If you don’t make reminders on your smartphone because you don’t want to search for a calendar for a long time, go to the desired menu and then write everything with your finger on a not-so-convenient touch keyboard, then we have released the “Remember Everything” application for Android especially for you.

Its main difference is the ability to press a button and leave a reminder in voice mode in Russian. The first click is to open the program, the second is to click on the record button - and then tell me what needs to be done and when.

And if you are uncomfortable talking at the moment, then the developers have provided the ability to enter a reminder text in the usual way.

The asceticism of this application deserves a positive assessment, because there is nothing superfluous in it. On the main screen you have a field for entering a text reminder, a button for recording a reminder by voice, and a menu for specifying the date. There are no logos, banners, pop-up ads: only the necessary tools.

The same laconic and most useful style is maintained on the second screen, where a list of active and completed reminders is displayed.

Basic steps

As with any organizer, you can not only create notes, but also edit them. At any time, you can open a task and reschedule it for another time, change the contents of the note.

It is possible to restart an already completed task by activating it again and setting different due dates.

Also, at the moment you turn on the reminder, you can immediately mark the task as completed or postpone completion for some period of time.

If you also want to set reminders with a few touches on the display, you can download the Voice Reminder application to your mobile device. Such a program will allow you to quickly set any reminders and even play them in voice format.


One of the main differences of this application is the ability to leave reminders in voice format by pressing one button. Moreover, reminders will be saved in Russian, which is very convenient. Using the application is very simple.

Initially, you need to click on the program icon to open it, and then touch the recording function. After this, you can talk about an event or some important matter that you would not want to forget. If you are unable to dictate the text of the reminder, you can simply type it in text mode, which is also convenient.

Main advantages

According to reviews from numerous users, one of the main advantages of the program is the asceticism of the interface, in which there is nothing superfluous. On the display you will see a field where you can enter a reminder in text mode, as well as a button that starts recording a voice reminder.

is an excellent, convenient application created for devices running on the Android platform. This creation was created for people who constantly forget about something. Judging by the name of the program, it is easy to guess why it is needed. Now you no longer need to ask relatives, colleagues, friends to remind you of anything. It is worth noting that this program is distributed free of charge.

There are many useful functions, a comfortable interface that even beginners can easily understand. There are no age restrictions. You can download the project on tablet devices and smartphones. The required version of the Android platform is 4.0 or later. The team of creators made sure that you can use the “shopping list”. Human memory, naturally, is not rubbery. We all tend to forget things, but sometimes it has unpleasant consequences. To avoid them, use the suggested program.

Enter tasks into it, and at the appointed time you will hear a sound signal, and then see a text revealing the essence of the reminder.

The program "" supports many languages. There is Ukrainian, Russian, as well as German, Arabic, English and many others. The application will remember everything in order to issue a reminder in time. The visual design of the project is quite modest, but it does not need to be flashy. Functionality should always come first! The developers did a great job on the project, making it intuitive and as convenient as possible.

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